Short description of the portal
Welcome on the open government data portal! Here you have the opportunity to search, download and reuse open government data in order to improve transparency, productivity and accountability of the public institutions as well as for commercial purposes. Open data are data provided by the public authorities in a machine readable format and available for reuse. These data contain no personal information, trade or state secrets. The public authorities are responsible for the identification and publication of data of great interest to citizens and enterprises. This practice will promote transparency, productivity and accountability within the public sector.Dataset.gov.md encourages active participation of citizens. All citizens, including you, may promote and use open data
Brief introduction and description of the initiative
The dataset.gov.md platform represents one of the key pillars of the Governance e-Transformation agenda and aims at facilitating citizens' access to data of central public administration authorities. The Open Data Initiative expresses the government’s interest in developing transparent governance and applying innovations to help citizens. Thus, the authorities are becoming more responsive while citizens can actively participate within the decision-making process. The access to public government data represents an innovative initiative among governments, civil societies and information and communication technology (ICT) communities from around the world
About the conditions for re-use
Every natural person or legal entity may re-use the document made available by a public authority or institution in accordance with the conditions for accessing and re-using information relating to the public sector. The re-use of the document can be performed in order to:
- reproduce, copy, publish and transmit it pursuant to the relevant legislation;
- disseminate and distribute it;
- adapt, modify, transform and extract data from it in order to create derived documents;
- exploit it for commercial purposes, for instance, by combining it with other documents or including it into your own product or application