On May 26, 2016 at 7:42:01 PM +0300,
No fields were updated. See the metadata diff for more details.
f | 1 | { | f | 1 | { |
2 | "author": null, | 2 | "author": null, | ||
3 | "author_email": null, | 3 | "author_email": null, | ||
4 | "creator_user_id": "55", | 4 | "creator_user_id": "55", | ||
5 | "id": "9402b77a-e68c-4aa3-a782-ea33c070d419", | 5 | "id": "9402b77a-e68c-4aa3-a782-ea33c070d419", | ||
6 | "license_id": "notspecified", | 6 | "license_id": "notspecified", | ||
7 | "maintainer": "Vasile Scorpan", | 7 | "maintainer": "Vasile Scorpan", | ||
8 | "maintainer_email": "", | 8 | "maintainer_email": "", | ||
t | 9 | "metadata_modified": "2016-05-26T13:38:36.795703", | t | 9 | "metadata_modified": "2016-05-26T13:42:00.965928", |
10 | "name": "9952-emissions-of-greenhouse-gases", | 10 | "name": "9952-emissions-of-greenhouse-gases", | ||
11 | "notes": "Thematic area - Climate change\r\n\r\nName of Indicator - | 11 | "notes": "Thematic area - Climate change\r\n\r\nName of Indicator - | ||
12 | Greenhouse gas emission\r\n\r\nDPSIR - Pressure \r\n\r\nIndicator type | 12 | Greenhouse gas emission\r\n\r\nDPSIR - Pressure \r\n\r\nIndicator type | ||
13 | - B \u2013 performance indicator\r\n\r\nDefinition of the indicator | 13 | - B \u2013 performance indicator\r\n\r\nDefinition of the indicator | ||
14 | \r\n\r\nThe indicator shows the quantities of greenhouse gas emissions | 14 | \r\n\r\nThe indicator shows the quantities of greenhouse gas emissions | ||
15 | into atmosphere on national level. The emissions are presented by | 15 | into atmosphere on national level. The emissions are presented by | ||
16 | greenhouse gas type. The indicator provides information on emissions | 16 | greenhouse gas type. The indicator provides information on emissions | ||
17 | in the following sectors: energy, industrial processes and solvents, | 17 | in the following sectors: energy, industrial processes and solvents, | ||
18 | agriculture, waste and net removals from land use, land use change and | 18 | agriculture, waste and net removals from land use, land use change and | ||
19 | forestry (LULUCF). \r\nAnnual aggregated GHG per capita, per km2 and | 19 | forestry (LULUCF). \r\nAnnual aggregated GHG per capita, per km2 and | ||
20 | per unit of GDP. \r\n\r\nUnits - Mt/year CO2 equivalent\r\n\r\nPolicy | 20 | per unit of GDP. \r\n\r\nUnits - Mt/year CO2 equivalent\r\n\r\nPolicy | ||
21 | relevance of the indicator:\r\n\r\nThe Republic of Moldova is a | 21 | relevance of the indicator:\r\n\r\nThe Republic of Moldova is a | ||
22 | non-Annex I Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on | 22 | non-Annex I Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on | ||
23 | Climate Change (ratified in 1995). In 2003 Moldova ratified the Kyoto | 23 | Climate Change (ratified in 1995). In 2003 Moldova ratified the Kyoto | ||
24 | Protocol. \r\nGovernment of the of the Republic of Moldova adopted | 24 | Protocol. \r\nGovernment of the of the Republic of Moldova adopted | ||
25 | Environment Strategy for the period 2014-2023 (Government Decision | 25 | Environment Strategy for the period 2014-2023 (Government Decision | ||
26 | #301 from 24.04.2014) and Strategy on adaptation to climate change | 26 | #301 from 24.04.2014) and Strategy on adaptation to climate change | ||
27 | till 2020 and it\u2019s Action Plan (Government Decision #1009 from | 27 | till 2020 and it\u2019s Action Plan (Government Decision #1009 from | ||
28 | 10.12.2014). \r\n\r\nTargets:\r\n\r\nAccording to Copenhagen | 28 | 10.12.2014). \r\n\r\nTargets:\r\n\r\nAccording to Copenhagen | ||
29 | Agreement, Republic of Moldova aims to reduce, to not less than 25% | 29 | Agreement, Republic of Moldova aims to reduce, to not less than 25% | ||
30 | compared to the base year (1990), the total national level of | 30 | compared to the base year (1990), the total national level of | ||
31 | greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, by implementing economic mechanisms | 31 | greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, by implementing economic mechanisms | ||
32 | focused on global climate change mitigation, in accordance with the | 32 | focused on global climate change mitigation, in accordance with the | ||
33 | principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention | 33 | principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention | ||
34 | on Climate Change.\r\n\r\nThe Environmental Protection Strategy for | 34 | on Climate Change.\r\n\r\nThe Environmental Protection Strategy for | ||
35 | the years 2014-2023 and the Action Plan for its implementation states | 35 | the years 2014-2023 and the Action Plan for its implementation states | ||
36 | that a 20 % GHG emissions reduction compared to the base line scenario | 36 | that a 20 % GHG emissions reduction compared to the base line scenario | ||
37 | has to be reached in the Republic of Moldova by 2020.\r\n\r\nRepublic | 37 | has to be reached in the Republic of Moldova by 2020.\r\n\r\nRepublic | ||
38 | of Moldova\u2019s iNDC states to reduce unconditional, by 2030, total | 38 | of Moldova\u2019s iNDC states to reduce unconditional, by 2030, total | ||
39 | emissions of national greenhouse gas emissions net, with no less than | 39 | emissions of national greenhouse gas emissions net, with no less than | ||
40 | 67% compared to 1990, in support of the global effort on the trend of | 40 | 67% compared to 1990, in support of the global effort on the trend of | ||
41 | increasing global average temperature by 2100 in limit of up to 2 | 41 | increasing global average temperature by 2100 in limit of up to 2 | ||
42 | \u00b0 C. The objective of reducing emissions could increase up to 78% | 42 | \u00b0 C. The objective of reducing emissions could increase up to 78% | ||
43 | conditionally - according to an overall agreement that would address | 43 | conditionally - according to an overall agreement that would address | ||
44 | important issues such as financial resources with low costs, | 44 | important issues such as financial resources with low costs, | ||
45 | technology transfer and technical cooperation.\r\n\r\nKey question - | 45 | technology transfer and technical cooperation.\r\n\r\nKey question - | ||
46 | What is the average trend of GHG emissions for the whole | 46 | What is the average trend of GHG emissions for the whole | ||
47 | period?\r\n\r\nSpecific question - What are the emission changes by | 47 | period?\r\n\r\nSpecific question - What are the emission changes by | ||
48 | sectors, by GHG, per capita, per km2, per unit of | 48 | sectors, by GHG, per capita, per km2, per unit of | ||
49 | GDP?\r\n\r\nAssessment\r\n\r\nThe base year for Republic of Moldova is | 49 | GDP?\r\n\r\nAssessment\r\n\r\nThe base year for Republic of Moldova is | ||
50 | 1990. \r\nThe inventory data presents that for base year the total | 50 | 1990. \r\nThe inventory data presents that for base year the total | ||
51 | emissions of GHG in CO2 equivalent are 43,42 without net removals from | 51 | emissions of GHG in CO2 equivalent are 43,42 without net removals from | ||
52 | LULUCF sector and 37,53 aggregated emissions including | 52 | LULUCF sector and 37,53 aggregated emissions including | ||
53 | emissions/removals from LULUCF. \r\nFor 1991-2013 (the last Inventory | 53 | emissions/removals from LULUCF. \r\nFor 1991-2013 (the last Inventory | ||
54 | data) the net GHG emissions without/with removals decrease | 54 | data) the net GHG emissions without/with removals decrease | ||
55 | respectively from 43,42/37,53 Mt/year CO2 equivalent to 12,84/12,74 | 55 | respectively from 43,42/37,53 Mt/year CO2 equivalent to 12,84/12,74 | ||
56 | Mt/year CO2 equivalent compared with base year. This constitutes a | 56 | Mt/year CO2 equivalent compared with base year. This constitutes a | ||
57 | reducing of GHG emissions with 30% and respectively 33% comparing with | 57 | reducing of GHG emissions with 30% and respectively 33% comparing with | ||
58 | base year. Figure 1 presents the trend of the aggregated emissions | 58 | base year. Figure 1 presents the trend of the aggregated emissions | ||
59 | (without and with LULUCF sector).\r\nTable 1 presents the aggregated | 59 | (without and with LULUCF sector).\r\nTable 1 presents the aggregated | ||
60 | emissions (without and with LULUCF sector), the main GHG emissions and | 60 | emissions (without and with LULUCF sector), the main GHG emissions and | ||
61 | the share of the total emissions compare with the base year. \r\nThe | 61 | the share of the total emissions compare with the base year. \r\nThe | ||
62 | analysis of the inventory presents that for the base year the big | 62 | analysis of the inventory presents that for the base year the big | ||
63 | share of GHG type has CO2 emission (81%), followed by CH4 emissions | 63 | share of GHG type has CO2 emission (81%), followed by CH4 emissions | ||
64 | (11%) and N2O emissions (7%). The trend is the same for the next | 64 | (11%) and N2O emissions (7%). The trend is the same for the next | ||
65 | years. So, in 2013 the share of CO2 emissions continue to be the | 65 | years. So, in 2013 the share of CO2 emissions continue to be the | ||
66 | highest (65%), CH4 emissions are the second with 21% and the third one | 66 | highest (65%), CH4 emissions are the second with 21% and the third one | ||
67 | are N2O emissions with 13% share from total emissions. The difference | 67 | are N2O emissions with 13% share from total emissions. The difference | ||
68 | between 1990 and 2013 is the share from total emissions between these | 68 | between 1990 and 2013 is the share from total emissions between these | ||
69 | GHG. During 1990-2010 the share of CO2 emissions decreases, while the | 69 | GHG. During 1990-2010 the share of CO2 emissions decreases, while the | ||
70 | share of CH4 and NO2 increase. \r\nNevertheless, during 1990-2013 the | 70 | share of CH4 and NO2 increase. \r\nNevertheless, during 1990-2013 the | ||
71 | emissions of GHG decrease: CO2 emissions with 23,6%, CH4 with 55,3% | 71 | emissions of GHG decrease: CO2 emissions with 23,6%, CH4 with 55,3% | ||
72 | and N2O with 52,1% (see Figure 2). \r\nHalocarbons emissions (HFCs, | 72 | and N2O with 52,1% (see Figure 2). \r\nHalocarbons emissions (HFCs, | ||
73 | PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions have been registered in | 73 | PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions have been registered in | ||
74 | the Republic of Moldova starting with 1995. This year is considered as | 74 | the Republic of Moldova starting with 1995. This year is considered as | ||
75 | a reference year for F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6). Evolution of these | 75 | a reference year for F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6). Evolution of these | ||
76 | emissions denotes a steady trend towards increase in the last years, | 76 | emissions denotes a steady trend towards increase in the last years, | ||
77 | though their share in the total national emissions structure is | 77 | though their share in the total national emissions structure is | ||
78 | insignificant. \r\nThe observed sectors in inventory are energy | 78 | insignificant. \r\nThe observed sectors in inventory are energy | ||
79 | sector, industrial process, solvent and other product use, | 79 | sector, industrial process, solvent and other product use, | ||
80 | agriculture, land use, land use change, forestry and waste. The total | 80 | agriculture, land use, land use change, forestry and waste. The total | ||
81 | GHG emissions by sectors are presented in Table 2. \r\nIn general, | 81 | GHG emissions by sectors are presented in Table 2. \r\nIn general, | ||
82 | Energy Sector has the greatest contribution to national GHG emissions, | 82 | Energy Sector has the greatest contribution to national GHG emissions, | ||
83 | with an average share of 70% in 1990 and 65% in 2013 (see Figure 4 and | 83 | with an average share of 70% in 1990 and 65% in 2013 (see Figure 4 and | ||
84 | Figure 5). Agriculture Sector was the second sector contributor with | 84 | Figure 5). Agriculture Sector was the second sector contributor with | ||
85 | an average share of 10%, followed by Industrial Processes with average | 85 | an average share of 10%, followed by Industrial Processes with average | ||
86 | share of 4% for 1990. The trend of the share of different sectors for | 86 | share of 4% for 1990. The trend of the share of different sectors for | ||
87 | 2013 has changed and Industrial Processes has been replaced by Waste | 87 | 2013 has changed and Industrial Processes has been replaced by Waste | ||
88 | Sector with a share of 12% from the total emissions.\r\nFigure 6 shows | 88 | Sector with a share of 12% from the total emissions.\r\nFigure 6 shows | ||
89 | that starting with 1992 till 2004 there was a reduction of total GHG | 89 | that starting with 1992 till 2004 there was a reduction of total GHG | ||
90 | emissions from the Waste Sector. This trend is explained by the | 90 | emissions from the Waste Sector. This trend is explained by the | ||
91 | economic decline that occurred in the Republic of Moldova during the | 91 | economic decline that occurred in the Republic of Moldova during the | ||
92 | period under review, by a significant drop in the wellbeing of | 92 | period under review, by a significant drop in the wellbeing of | ||
93 | population, and respectively, capacity to generate solid and other | 93 | population, and respectively, capacity to generate solid and other | ||
94 | types of wastes. At the same time, starting with 2005, there has been | 94 | types of wastes. At the same time, starting with 2005, there has been | ||
95 | a clear growing trend of direct GHG emissions from the Waste | 95 | a clear growing trend of direct GHG emissions from the Waste | ||
96 | Sector.\r\nThe main indicator for the assessment of the GHG emissions | 96 | Sector.\r\nThe main indicator for the assessment of the GHG emissions | ||
97 | in the international aspects are GHG per capita. \r\nThe emission of | 97 | in the international aspects are GHG per capita. \r\nThe emission of | ||
98 | GHG per capita decrease from 9,95 tons CO2 equivalent in 1990 to 3,16 | 98 | GHG per capita decrease from 9,95 tons CO2 equivalent in 1990 to 3,16 | ||
99 | tons CO2 equivalent in 2013. The lower level was during 2007 \u2013 | 99 | tons CO2 equivalent in 2013. The lower level was during 2007 \u2013 | ||
100 | 2.18 tons CO2 equivalent per capita (see Figure 7). For comparison the | 100 | 2.18 tons CO2 equivalent per capita (see Figure 7). For comparison the | ||
101 | average European level of this indicator is 9.4 tons CO2 equivalent | 101 | average European level of this indicator is 9.4 tons CO2 equivalent | ||
102 | per capita in 2013. \r\nThe emission of the GHG are directly linked | 102 | per capita in 2013. \r\nThe emission of the GHG are directly linked | ||
103 | with economic growth of the country, because with increasing of | 103 | with economic growth of the country, because with increasing of | ||
104 | economic activity the consumption of energy and resources increase to. | 104 | economic activity the consumption of energy and resources increase to. | ||
105 | For the period 1990 to 2013 aggregated GHG emissions per unit of GDP | 105 | For the period 1990 to 2013 aggregated GHG emissions per unit of GDP | ||
106 | decrease from 4.39 tons CO2 equivalent to 1.91 tons CO2 equivalent. | 106 | decrease from 4.39 tons CO2 equivalent to 1.91 tons CO2 equivalent. | ||
107 | Between 1990 to 2007 emissions of GDP in the most European countries | 107 | Between 1990 to 2007 emissions of GDP in the most European countries | ||
108 | decrease for more than 30%. The trend in the aggregated GHG emissions | 108 | decrease for more than 30%. The trend in the aggregated GHG emissions | ||
109 | per km2 is the same as the trends of GHG emission per capita and per | 109 | per km2 is the same as the trends of GHG emission per capita and per | ||
110 | GDP (see Figure 7). \r\n\r\nKey messages:\r\nFor the period 1990 to | 110 | GDP (see Figure 7). \r\n\r\nKey messages:\r\nFor the period 1990 to | ||
111 | 2013:\r\n\u2022\tthe total emission throughout the inventory have | 111 | 2013:\r\n\u2022\tthe total emission throughout the inventory have | ||
112 | decrease with 30%.\r\n\u2022\tthe emissions of the GHG per capita | 112 | decrease with 30%.\r\n\u2022\tthe emissions of the GHG per capita | ||
113 | decrease with 32%. \r\n\u2022\tthe energy sector has the greatest | 113 | decrease with 32%. \r\n\u2022\tthe energy sector has the greatest | ||
114 | contribution to national GHG emissions.\r\n\r\nTrend - | 114 | contribution to national GHG emissions.\r\n\r\nTrend - | ||
115 | positive.\r\n\r\nData coverage - 1990-2013\r\n\r\nData source - | 115 | positive.\r\n\r\nData coverage - 1990-2013\r\n\r\nData source - | ||
116 | Republic of Moldova\u2019s Third National Communication to United | 116 | Republic of Moldova\u2019s Third National Communication to United | ||
117 | Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Ministry of | 117 | Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Ministry of | ||
118 | Environment. \r\n\r\nMethodology\r\nTo calculate GHG emissions as well | 118 | Environment. \r\n\r\nMethodology\r\nTo calculate GHG emissions as well | ||
119 | as GHG inventories, the methodology provided by UNFCCC/IPCC is used. | 119 | as GHG inventories, the methodology provided by UNFCCC/IPCC is used. | ||
120 | Methodology is based on the calculation of GHGs as a product from the | 120 | Methodology is based on the calculation of GHGs as a product from the | ||
121 | rate of activity for individual sectors and emission factors.\r\nThe | 121 | rate of activity for individual sectors and emission factors.\r\nThe | ||
122 | national inventory is structured to match the reporting requirement of | 122 | national inventory is structured to match the reporting requirement of | ||
123 | the UNFCCC and is divided into six main sectors: (1) Energy, (2) | 123 | the UNFCCC and is divided into six main sectors: (1) Energy, (2) | ||
124 | Industrial Processes, (3) Solvents and Other Products Use, (4) | 124 | Industrial Processes, (3) Solvents and Other Products Use, (4) | ||
125 | Agriculture, (5) Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry and (6) Waste. | 125 | Agriculture, (5) Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry and (6) Waste. | ||
126 | \r\nEmissions of direct (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6) and | 126 | \r\nEmissions of direct (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6) and | ||
127 | indirect (NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2) greenhouse gases were estimated based | 127 | indirect (NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2) greenhouse gases were estimated based | ||
128 | on methodologies contained in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for | 128 | on methodologies contained in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for | ||
129 | National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.\r\n\r\nReporting obligations - | 129 | National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.\r\n\r\nReporting obligations - | ||
130 | UNFCCC\r\n\r\n", | 130 | UNFCCC\r\n\r\n", | ||
131 | "owner_org": "1143", | 131 | "owner_org": "1143", | ||
132 | "private": false, | 132 | "private": false, | ||
133 | "revision_id": "a00cd744-9989-4b2b-8b71-28598bca9f7d", | 133 | "revision_id": "a00cd744-9989-4b2b-8b71-28598bca9f7d", | ||
134 | "state": "active", | 134 | "state": "active", | ||
135 | "title": "Emissions of Greenhouse Gases", | 135 | "title": "Emissions of Greenhouse Gases", | ||
136 | "type": "dataset", | 136 | "type": "dataset", | ||
137 | "url": null, | 137 | "url": null, | ||
138 | "version": null | 138 | "version": null | ||
139 | } | 139 | } |